Monday, April 14, 2008

Gettin' things rollin'

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Anyhow, this is your awesome FP CNA Adrian, and all this talk of medical reconciliation blows my mind, but we can use this as a means for NA's to communicate too. For the heck of it, I'm going to go on a whim, and say that I had the chillest day ever today sitting. My heart almost stopped chillin' so hard.

On a more relevant note, to both RN's and CNA's, there's a couple things I want to point about regarding skin care. Apparently, we're supposed to start using skin barrier now on patients heels (those at risk for skin breakdown) even IF there is no redness or breakdown present. It's more of a prevention measure. Also, we're supposed to use barrier cream on ALL incontinent patients, even if NO breakdown is present; again, a preventative measure. The price of increased use of the barriers pales compared to the price of dealing with pressure ulcers.

There are other measures as well, such as using the green pads only on patients that are incontinent or potentially incontinent. They promote skin breakdown I suppose, and their only real purpose is preventing changing a whole bed's sheets when a patient is incontinent. I am curious though, as what is the effective way of "minimizing the damage" cause by urinary incontinence if we aren't allowed to use briefs in bed.

1 comment:

Nursing FP-JournalClub/Blog said...

Dude I posted a comment under a new post!
