Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday rounds

Monday rounds. Every Monday schedule permitting I get together with a step down unit nurse and sometimes a doctor for Monday medical rounds while we run and walk on rare occasions for two hours up and down the hills we live close by. When we first started running ~one year ago, we named it "sluggo" Monday because both of of us work two twelve shifts on the weekend. So on Monday our legs are heavy, so it is a good way to shake the weekend of working off while providing a time to revisit interesting cases over the course of two hours or so. Today was especially interesting as we discussed a ruptured fistula used for dialysis and emergency bronchoscopy. In addition today we chatted about why some patinets are more needy inspite of everything you do for them. I mean you could spend forty-five minutes every hour on the hour and I'm not sure it would be enough. So how do you handle that? Try to set limits on how often you will come in and then stick to it. Make sure you have satisificed everything the patient has asked for before you leave. But then what? For myself I do everything I can as listed above and then some before I tell the patient and or family that I have more than one patient to care for and I cannot keep coming back. I also try to put myself in the patients shoes to see how their level of anxiety or needyness developed, so maybe I can solve the problem. Any thoughts on this?

Tired on Monday

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